Hi There, I'm


based in Bangalore, India

About Me

At 27, I'm a kaleidoscope of passions, each facet reflecting a different side of me. The camera captures my playful spirit, the stage ignites my dramatic flair, and the runway lets me walk on air. But it's not just about the external; it's about the stories I tell, the emotions I evoke, and the journey of self-discovery that unfolds with every click, clap, and strut. So join me on this vibrant adventure, where the spotlight's warm and the possibilities endless. models for photoshoot or modelling, photoshoots I am there your Model Smriti v Sujeeth.


Completed projects


Positive reviews

Want to work together!

I'm available for freelance work.

Contact Me

    What’s your project? Get in touch

    Always available for freelancing if the right project comes along, Feel free to contact me.